Caregivers Medical Insurance Coverage

Major Medical Coverage Tailored to Caregivers

Medical insurance covers medical, surgical, and sometimes dental expenses. It can reimburse you for expenses incurred from illness or injury, or pay your care provider directly. Most often, it is included in employer benefit packages, with premiums partially capos by the employer, and is most often deducted from the employees paycheck.

A Plan to Suit Your Situation

Caregiver Benefits has plans with numerous options that we can tailor specifically for your exact needs and situation. Together we can hash out precisely what coverage and options your situation requires, and get you covered quickly. We work with you every step of the way to ensure you get the coverage you need at the price you can afford.

Some Key Points

  • Medical insurance covers medical and surgical expenses incurred by the insured.
  • Choosing a plan can be tricky. Make sure you look at the rules for in and out of network services, deductibles, and co-pays.
  • Since 2010, the Affordable Care Act has prohibited insurance companies from denying coverage to patients with pre-existing conditions and has allowed children to remain on their parents' insurance plan until they reached the age of 26.
  • Medicare and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) are two public health insurance plans that target older individuals and children, respectively. Medicare also serves people with certain disabilities.